Seawitch or Hot Wheels?

Apart from the graphics it looks exactly the same. Anyone cares to mod my Seawitch table into that? Just saying (he says innocently) :D

Note to self: Seawitch could use an update to FizX 3...
Apart from the graphics it looks exactly the same.

There is the centre swing target and single out lanes, embedded kickers instead of slings and the third flipper, otherwise the layout looks to be the same.
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I think if you look at most EMs, the same layouts are used over and over
There is only so much you can do with 3 pop bumpers and 8 targets/lanes
In my phone they looked the same. on a larger screen however... Still very similar.
Has to design copying and all that, maybe geometry dictated more the rules with just different elements being placed on the table. Along with art.

Not so much different as theme modding nowadays. I see a lot of tables based off JPSalas tables actually.
Apart from the graphics it looks exactly the same.
Not quite, but I get the sense that the market came down to what was worth launching a lawsuit versus what wasn't.

I.e., an exact copy is a slam dunk of a lawsuit, while a 'sorta-kinda' copy means larger lawyer fees, with more uncertain outcomes.

So like Tevye said--

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