Bad Cats (Williams, 1989) VP9

VP9 Williams SS Recreation Bad Cats (Williams, 1989) VP9 v1.0.1 [Night Mod][DT][WS]

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Jun 16, 2003
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This is the WS desktop mod of Bad Cats night mod by LoadedWeapon.

Many thanks to jpsalas for his original recreation and LoadedWeapon for his Night Mod.

Addition Credits go to.
jpsalas: Original tables and script
ClarkKent: Cleaning up artwork on the original
Dark: Primitive Nuts, bolts, and screws
Zany: Primitive flasher domes
LoadedWeapon: Reworked all images added new lighting, new primitives and update script..

What's New in Version 1.0.1 (See full changelog)

Changed Backdrop settings for WS desktop.
Imported rails,sidewall ramps and emreels from the jpsalas desktop version.
Adjusted, aligned and rotated many flashers to render correctly.

Available here...



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Thanks for this, Steve! I don't think I ever played the game either in RL or via simulation, so I look forward to it.

Btw, I edited very slightly the resource title to bring it line with working standards here. The version number only needs to appear in its own field, not a second time, in the title. Also, the ROM file doesn't really need to be bumped, unlike the table. People will either need the ROM or not to run the game, so visibility isn't an issue there. If that makes sense.

Btw, was it a lot of work converting these FS games to DT?
Actually I didn't mean to bump the rom. I accidentally added the marketing slogans to the rom when I was editing stuff with several PN tabs open at once. :bonk:
Actually I didn't mean to bump the rom. I accidentally added the marketing slogans to the rom when I was editing stuff with several PN tabs open at once. :bonk:
Okay, I learned something just now-- a text update can be deleted, and the resource will un-bump itself!

Not sure if it works exactly the same for an upload update, but I would presume so. I do think sometimes a resource can be deleted at the forum level, but will remain in the system, altho that doesn't seem to happen often.

When in doubt, it can be double-checked in the ACP via /content/attachments.
Btw, was it a lot of work converting these FS games to DT?

Not a lot of work, the most tedious part was realigning and sometimes rotating the flashes to render correctly in the DT view, which was a matter of changing values then running the table, then changing them again bit by bit until they lined up correctly.

Basically what it says in the change log.

Changed Backdrop settings for WS desktop.
Imported rails, sidewall ramps and emreels from the jpsalas desktop version.
Adjusted, aligned and rotated many flashers to render correctly.

There may have been a few other minor flipper adjustments and such here and there.
Thanks for the details, and like the rest of the community, I'm grateful for yours (and a few others) work converting these gems.

I have a LOAD more tables to update here or re-upload, and of course, there's your other DT conversions which you pointed me towards a couple weeks ago. They're still on my list, too. Ah well... little by little, we get there one day?

If I may so, however, I'm really enjoying how our resources section has been filled with such excellent tables and uploads, maybe the past half year or so. Me, I've dedicated a certain amount of my time to helping out, but it's all your others that have really made the section shine. Gotta love it!

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